Generate more
Revenue From Your 
Customer Base


Market saturation

Over reliance on New Business

Increased Competition

Churning Customers

Not enough contact

Innovative competition

Frustration across the teams

Marketing, Sales, and Account Management teams are silod

the difference between Account Management 1.0 and Account Management 2.0

Prioritizes immediate revenue over long-term customer relationships.

Focuses on upselling and renewals, sometimes neglecting deeper customer needs.

Engagement tends to be sporadic, missing key opportunities to understand customer goals.

Often responds to issues rather than preventing them proactively.

Focuses on preventing issues and ensuring long-term customer value.

Aligns solutions with customer goals and business outcomes

Ensures customers get the most from the product, focusing on long-term success.

Works closely with multiple teams to enhance the overall customer experience.


Conducted over 50 assessments of Post Sales Processes in SaaS companies.


4 success stories demonstrating revenue impact.


Backed by a community of 1500 Customer Success Professionals in Europe for continuous learning and knowledge sharing